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协会第17次主题活动 - 企业应急能力建设
发贴人:admin 发贴时间:2013-6-7 9:16:54 点击次数:6453

Dear All,

The South China Environmental and Safety Management Association (SCESMA) is pleased to announce our 17th Meeting and Seminar to be held on July 5th, 2013 (Friday) in Guangzhou.  The event is co-organized with several organizations including Shanghai Lin YueDrager and New Pig and the theme this time is on “Enterprise Emergency Response Capability Development”.  In addition to sharing by SCESMA member companies on our experience in crisis management and emergency preparedness, speakers from the supporting organizations will also share the various emergency response practices and management approaches.


Registration is on a first-come-first served basis with priority to SCESMA members.  Group size is limited to 70 participants in this event. Please send your registration to Miss Candy Chiu by email: bielchiu@hotmail.com, before June 20, 2013.  Detailed logistics and other arrangement will be notified to the successful applicants later.


Since the buffet lunch is sponsored by our co-organizers at the hotel and there is no additional transportation need for this seminar, the event is free of charge this time.  Attached are the details of the event for reference.


    很高兴通知大家华南环境及安全管理协会将於2013年7月5日(星期五)广州天河区举办第十七次会议及论坛。是次活动将与上海翎岳,德尔格及New Pig合办,主题为企业应急能力建设。除了本会主持的项目以外,本会很荣幸能邀请来自其他企业应急建设领域中的著名讲者分享他们这方面的经验。


    报名采取先到先得、额满即止的形式,本会会员优先, 名额七十人。如有意参加,请於二零一三年六月二十日前将电邮申请寄予赵莉娜小姐收, 电邮地址为: bielchiu@hotmail.com 详情及其它安排将在确认成功申请后通知。





Best Regards,


Lam Wan Choi

Chairman of SCESMA




上一篇: 协会第18次主题活动 - 企业可持续发展
下一篇: 协会第16次参观活动-华南地区的可持续发展

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