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华南环境及安全管理协会第十二次会议 ( 深圳 )
发贴人:admin 发贴时间:11/23/2011 1:01:07 AM 点击次数:3480

The 12th South China Environmental and Safety Management Association

Meeting in Shenzhen



The South China Environmental and Safety Management Association (SCESMA) is pleased to announce the next 12th Meeting and Technical Visit to be held on 20th December, 2011 (Tuesday) in Shenzhen. 


The event is co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and supported by the Guangdong Dapeng LNG Co.  


The morning meeting session will be held at HKPC’s Productivity Centre in the Shenzhen Science and Technology Park.  The meeting will focus on topics related to greener production, occupational hygiene and chemical management at research institutes and laboratories.  


The afternoon session will be a technical visit to the Guangdong Dapeng LNG Terminal.  Introduction of the LNG operations, logistics and trucking activities of LNG supplies in the Pearl River Delta region will be presented and there will be demonstration of ventilation measurement and other industrial hygiene monitoring at GDLNG.


Registration is first-come-first served with priority to SCESMA members. 


Group size is limited to 30 participants due to site restriction. 


Please send your registration to Miss Candy Chiu by e-mail: bielchiu@hotmail.com, on or before December 10, 2011.  Detailed logistics and other arrangement will be notified to the successful applicants later.


To recover the cost of ground transportation and lunch arrangement, a fee of RMB200 will be charged.  All SCESMA members can enjoy a 50% discountBelow is the detailed agenda of the Event for reference.







20th December 2011 (Tuesday)


09:00 – 17:00

Meeting Venue

Block D, 1/F, Productivity Building, Gaoxin # 2 Avenue (Middle), Shenzhen Science Technology Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC  (Postal Code : 518057)

深圳南山科技園中區高新中二道生產力大樓 D (郵政編碼: 518057)


Mandarin and Cantonese


To cover the lunch and transportation costs, a fee of RMB200 will be charged for attending the meeting and technical visit.


Seminar (Morning)

9:00 a.m.


9:30 a.m.

Cleaner Production Initiatives in the Pearl River Delta Region – Update and Development (Wang Zuohua, Hong Kong Productivity Council)

10:15 a.m.

Occupational Hygiene Inspection in Laboratories and Hi-Tech Industry (T.W. Tsin, Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (HKIOEH), Former Senior Occupational Hygienist of the HK Labour Department)

11:00 a.m.

Ventilation in Laboratories and Research Institutes (Zhou Huijia, Certified Industrial Hygienist, CIH, BP)

11:45 a.m.

Chemicals and Hazardous Materials Management in Laboratories (Michael Cao, EHS Manager of 3M)

12:30 p.m.



Technical Visit (Afternoon)

14:00 p.m.

Ground transportation to Guangdong Dapeng LNG Terminal

15:00 p.m.

Visit Guangdong Dapeng LNG Terminal, Shenzhen (The facility supplies Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Region for town gas and power generation)

15:45 p.m.

Logistics safety management for LNG trucking in the region (George Chen, HSSE Manager, Shenzhen LNG Co. Ltd.)

16:15 p.m.

Demonstration of laboratory ventilation assessment and other industrial hygiene measurements

17:00 p.m.

Adjourn & travel back to Shenzhen Huanggang / Lo Ma Chau border



Registration form

Name of Participant








Contact number














Meeting Notice Download:



SCESMA 12th Meeting in ShenZhen 2011.12.20.rar




上一篇: 协会第14次参观活动-Bosch珠海工厂
下一篇: 华南环保与安全管理协会第十一次会议

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